Car insurance - health insurance... Barry floats the argument that compelling "hard working Americans" (what a crock of shit) to buy health insurance is no different than requiring the same "great Americans" (what a crock of shit) to buy car insurance (see the 4:19 mark in the video). I hate to burst your Choom Huffing Induced Bubble there Barry, but it will end the same way.
"Despite laws in nearly every state requiring auto insurance, one in seven drivers in the USA goes uncovered."
If some assclown driving a Beater 500 to the local five & dime (owned by a goddamned Korean or Muslim) to buy pork rinds and Colt 45 Malt and Kools (thank you EBT) isn't going to insure his/her ride, do you really fucking think he/she is going to bother with shopping for a "heafcare" policy? What a bunch of bubble dwelling, white ivory tower fucking morons who only thrive in academia...or government.