Good Article by Chris Hedges today in Zerohedge
"They come from this cabal of moral and intellectual trolls that includes Kimberly Kagan, the wife of Fred Kagan, who founded The Institute for the Study of War, William Kristol, Max Boot, John Podhoretz, Gary Schmitt, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, David Frum and others. Many were once staunch Republicans or, like Nuland, served in Republican and Democratic administrations. Nuland was the principal deputy foreign policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney.
They are united by the demand for larger and larger defense budgets and an ever-expanding military. Julian Benda called these courtiers to power “the self-made barbarians of the intelligentsia.”
They once railed against liberal weakness and appeasement. But they swiftly migrated to the Democratic Party rather than support Donald Trump, who showed no desire to start a conflict with Russia and who called the invasion of Iraq a “big, fat mistake.” Besides, as they correctly pointed out, Hillary Clinton was a fellow neocon. And liberals wonder why nearly half the electorate, who revile these arrogant unelected power brokers, as they should, voted for Trump."
They are now entrenched in the Biden Administration and are edging toward a war with Russia. The article states that they have not served in the military and their children do not serve in the military. They are not opposed to sending the children of "the little people" to fight the wars that they bait the country into fighting. NATO should have been dissolved after the fall of the Soviet Union. It served no purpose beyond that point. Instead, NATO has been used as a tool to bait Russia into a conflict. Imagine if the tables were turned and the Russians decided to allow Mexico into a "defense treaty" that allowed them to station troops and armaments along the southern border of the US. What would our response be?
Rand Paul on the expansion of NATO to extend membership to Montenegro in 2016: “There is no national security interest that an alliance with Montenegro will advance. If we invite Montenegro into NATO, it will be a one-way street, with the U.S. committing to defend yet another country, and you, the taxpayer, being stuck with the bill. Even the advocates of Montenegro joining NATO admit as much,” stated Dr. Paul on the Senate floor.
Montenegro has been a member of NATO since 2017.
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