Tuesday, August 21, 2012

In The Game of Life, Most Are Expendable Pawns

Chicago would use its sweeping powers of eminent domain to seize underwater mortgages. The effort would involve creating “securitized packages of loans” that would be offered to private investors at a “steep discount.” Loans would then be “written down to a fair market value” to create a new mortgage with a reduced principal and lower monthly payments more affordable to struggling homeowners.

OK struggling Chicago Home Moaners - take a guess which of the above pieces best represents you.... take your time, it's a tough choice.... just like buying an overpriced shack with a ticking time bomb mortgage was a tough choice....
"The group is reportedly working with Mortgage Resolution Partners on the eminent domain idea now under consideration in Chicago and elsewhere around the nation."  Make that mortgage payment check payable to "City of Chicago".

I'm going to give you Chicago Home Moaners a hint on which of the chess pieces best represents you....

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