Thursday, December 6, 2012

Flower Power Whitey Feminist Finds Fault With White Dudes of Another Generation

"Urban rappers’ notorious sexism seems to have made black female performers stronger and more defiant. But middle-class white girls, told that every career is open to them and encouraged to excel at athletics, are faced with slacker white boys nagged by the PC thought police into suppressing their masculinity -- which gets diverted instead into video games and the flourishing genre of online pornography." by treating whitey blondie girl as something more equal than their fathers treated whitey blondie girls of their own generations, somehow the little blondie whitey boys are to blame for the the shortcomings of all the little white girls??? what you're sayin' Camille is that you wish all the little whitey blondie boys would treat all the little whitey blondie girls the same way the "urban rappers" treat their "bitches" so as to make them stronger and more defiant? I feelin' you on that one....

Paglia drivel....

- methinks that the 60 something year old product of the 60's and 70's & feminist social critic doth continue to findeth just a tad too much sand in her vagina...  Good grief, hurry up and fill a casket already and message me back from the great beyond to let me know if God truly was man's best invention....

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