Wednesday, December 5, 2012

If The Shoe Fits...

"Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels argued in a Friday speech that “the most critical moment of the whole dreary campaign” for president was the release of Mitt Romney's videotaped comments to campaign donors.
At a forum hosted by the William F. Buckley, Jr. Program at Yale, Gov. Daniels said, “In one of those imaginary private occasions that no longer exist for people in public life, Governor Romney memorably discussed the 47% of Americans who, he said, are dependent on government and therefore would never vote for him. In his post-mortem after the election, he reportedly extended this theme, saying that too many people had allowed their votes to be bought with promises of someone else’s money.”

"I believe that the self-inflicted fatal blow of Mr. Romney’s statement came among Americans who find themselves in receipt of some form of government transfer, but reject or even despise the notion that they are permanent parasites for doing so."

The proof is in the Puddin' Pops!!

A Detroit city council member is asking President Obama to bail out the financially troubled city in return for residents’ overwhelmingly supporting his successful re-election bid.
“There ought to be a quid pro quo," said Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, according to My Fox Detroit.

Nearly 75 percent of voters in Wayne County, which includes Detroit, voted for Obama on Nov. 6.

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