Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Trump Returning To Office Would Be a Nightmare for a Few People


conir·sp·a·cy /kənˈspirəsē/ noun a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful

I don't think Trump's huge ego will allow him to publicly state that he got "had" by a large group of people (a.k.a. "the swamp") but deep down, he knows he got played.  Democrats and a large number of people from within his own party couldn't stand him.

For me watching from the sidelines, they threw out a guy who likes golfing and young, attractive, eastern European women and then replaced him with an obviously corrupt and rapidly deteriorating ass clown who sees no problem with showering with his own daughter (ewww, gross) and who has a drug addict son.

The "Covid 19 scamdemic" was the crowning touch of the "Never Trump" crowd's effort to remove him from office and I believe he got smooth talked into a lot of the bullshit that the government did in response to the virus that was supposed to "end humanity as we know it".  I will bet dollars to do-nuts that the Wu-Flu came out of a laboratory either on purpose or by way of a rather well timed accident.

The entanglement of lawsuits brought against Trump recently is perfectly timed and coordinated to keep him in a web of lawsuits during the upcoming election season.

I'm not a dyed in the wool Trump supporter but I don't like seeing a group of asshats conspiring against a person just because that person is brusque in their speech when stating the obvious.  I like my politicians to be more dull than Trump but that's just me.  Ganging up on a guy just because his statements make the precious, over paid and coddled swamp dwellers uncomfortable or butthurt is wrong and most news outlets are nothing but cheerleaders for anyone who is "anti-Trump".

If he returns to office, I am going to pop a big batch of popcorn and enjoy the shit show as he metes out retribution.  I'd like to see that smug little dickhead Faucci strung up from a lamp post by his testicles and beaten like a goddamned pinata.  

The "Scarf Lady" Birx has come out from under whatever rock she's been hiding beneath for the past few years to start hyperventilating over the dangers of the Covid 19 Election Variant that is supposed to ravage the Unwashed Masses in the upcoming year....during the upcoming election....

What is truly sad is the number of idiotic losers in this country who would gladly go back to Covid restrictions if it resulted in getting some more of those wonderful stimmy checks, PPP grants (not really a loan if it is forgiven), eviction and foreclosure moratoriums, student loan repayment moratoriums, enhanced unemployment benefits, etc., etc., etc.  

I'm going to state what is abundantly clear to anyone who pays attention - a very large number of the "Great Americans" who vote would gladly sell out their freedoms in a heartbeat if it meant that they could collect mailbox money from the "gub-mint", sit on their fat asses and eat Cheeto's while watching YouTube videos.

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