Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rise of the Serfs???

When guards beat up workers from Shandong province, others from the same region fought back, igniting a full-fledged riot, according to the news agency’s (China News Service) account.  

The young migrant workers whose labor has fueled much of the growth of China’s economy and the global manufacturing sector have begun to change in demographics and desires. That labor pool is shrinking, according to experts, as workers from China’s provinces have become better educated and hold higher expectations for their lives.

Foxconn, in particular, has drawn attention in recent years because of its connection to Apple and the increasingly visible signs of unhappiness among its workers. A string of employee suicides in 2010 pushed the company to install netting to catch jumpers and take other steps.

When your "employer" installs suicide nets around the i-Gadget plant, it is time to seek your fortunes elsewhere.

"All the suckers that voted for him will be up in arms and the only ones that will be protected, as usual, will be the crony capitalists that own him."

If the writer on Zero Hedge is to be taken seriously, the thinking is that we have a more subtle con game going on here.

"Even if he doesn’t do this, his other option is merely to keep spending and force The Bernank to print more money.  The cost of living will surge and the poor and middle class will get crushed no matter what."

"We need to grow up as a species and take charge of our destiny.  We need to stop falling for their tricks and fighting their stupid wars while they hide in their castles, parliaments and skyscrapers. "

Oh my, pal.... you are expecting an awful lot from the unwashed masses....  Don't get me wrong - your Old Uncle Kenny would LOVE to see that come to fruition but I would not hold my breath waiting for that to happen.  Taking control of your own destiny requires a certain amount of confidence (and intelligence) and many within the ranks of the poor and "middle class" (whatever the fuck that means) are lacking in both areas.  Why do you think they live clustered into little hives of perfect blue buildings with perfect green lawns and flash perfect white smiles?

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