Thursday, May 5, 2022

Enslaving The Young With Debt - Who Evidently Are Cool With Being Enslaved With Debt

This is from an article criticizing a company called "Afterpay" that allows people (mostly women and particularly "women of color") to buy high end products on-line and pay for it in four months:

Financial experts who spoke with SFGATE expressed significant concerns about the way companies are targeting Gen Z consumers. 

“They are marketing very heavily to an audience that is younger, that might not just have as much experience on how to use credit and what credit implications are or what it means to have multiple loans at one time,” Marisabel Torres, the California policy director of the Center for Responsible Lending, told SFGATE.

If you ask me, it sounds a lot like a government backed student loan but that's none of my business.... s/ 

This country is chock full of retarded people.

"Colleges can set the price, knowing that the government is just going to give their customers, the student, a blank check to pay for that price," the Wall Street Journal's Josh Mitchell says.

"And so not only is there no incentive under this current system for colleges to keep the prices in check, there's actually every incentive for them to raise the prices."

Today, On Point: Beyond loan forgiveness. The federal government's role in causing and fixing the problem of high student loan debt.

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