Monday, April 17, 2023

Every Day I'm Hustlin'

Roughly one year ago on CNBC:

The U.S. has been “extremely trigger-happy” with stinging economic measures, and central banks may decide to diversify their portfolio of foreign reserves instead of relying heavily on the U.S. dollar, according to the co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security.

“Central banks are beginning to ask questions,” said Gal Luft of the Washington-based think tank, adding that they are wondering if reliance on the dollar and “putting all their eggs in one basket” is a smart idea.

“The United States has extended itself, has been extremely trigger-happy when it comes to the use of sanctions and other economic punishments,” he said.

The White House did not respond to a CNBC request for comment.

And what happens if the world continues to move away from the dollar and the currency weakens in foreign countries?  It is hard to say since the dollar has been the world's reserve currency since the end of WWII but a few have predicted that:

1) Imports to the U.S. will become much more expensive.

2) The U.S. government will lose its ability to borrow at its current levels and it will be forced to raise taxes or print money to cover its shortfalls.

3) or, the U.S. government will lose its ability to borrow at super cheap levels and it will be forced to pay higher yields to buyers of its debt and it will be forced to cut services while simultaneously raising taxes to cover its shortfalls (the equivalent of a much needed and long overdue "national financial enema" if you will).  This is my own personal favorite and what I hope for as I tend to run my life on the lean side and I enjoy collecting compounding interest when lending money to others.

4) Inflation will be at higher levels than we have ever seen in the past as the cost of all imported goods climbs higher and higher.

5) Lastly, the key question is "cui bono" or "who benefits"?  I'm not sure but my guesses are:

a) manufacturers of durable items made in the U.S. that are sold overseas.

b) short term financiers

c) agricultural giants that export food items

d) large scale farming operations

e) weapons manufacturers

f) probably evil genius George Soros who probably has some sort of hustle going to crash the dollar just like he did with the Bank of England way back in the day.  Every day, that fucker looks more and more like Darth Sidious.

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