Sunday, June 25, 2023

America's Perpetually Imperfect Democracy


When the truth is found to be lies

And all the joy within you dies

Our system of government is very much reliant upon "great American Voters" receiving an unbiased and balanced diet of news regarding politics.  Now more than ever, our system of government needs the truth about all candidates running in elections and it needs the news in the most "dumbed down" terms given the intellect of the average "Great American Voter".

Let's face it - most of the unwashed masses who vote within the country are a far cry from what the founders originally designated as eligible voters.  

People who have made an absolute train wreck out of their own personal lives (and those unfortunate enough to have deep ties to them) have the God given right as a "Great American" to offer their vote/opinion on what leader should govern over the total population of the country.  It is akin to allowing a chimpanzee to perform brain surgery just because the chimpanzee can hold a scalpel.

Media outlets are having an increasingly hard time holding back the Joe and Hunter Biden Shit Show News Flow.  The stories have been floating around out there for years - you had to look hard to find them but they did exist for anyone who bothered to look.  Most "Great American Voters" don't bother to look.  Some of the more clueless and hopeless among them will deny reality.  They go in the direction they are told to go.  Morons.  

And, for those who were just too fucking stupid to see that Joe Biden and his family were nothing more than common hucksters up for sale to the highest foreign bidder dating back a decade or more...

Well, if you find yourself just aching to express your fucking high and mighty opinion during an election (any election - from Presidential elections down to local elections for dog catcher), look at your situation in life and your past choices and ask yourself if you are truly smart enough and well informed enough to participate.  Just because a gorilla can hold a pistol in its hand is not a good excuse to give it a loaded and cocked .357 magnum and just hope for the best possible outcome.

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