Friday, July 14, 2023

Costco Possibly Quitting Queer Beer


The asterisk in the upper right corner normally indicates that Costco will no longer stock the item after existing items are sold.  Get woke and go broke.  

Not so long ago (2020), Beyond Meat company stock traded at a price of nearly $200 per share.  It is now trading at under $18.  It's price to earnings ratio (P/E) remains in the negative.  That means that it has still not turned a profit as a company and is a purely speculative stock.  

It is a Hoola Hoop or a Pet Rock.  A fad.  A trendy and shiny item that your teenage daughter thinks is cool.

Anheuser Busch searched high and low and found a woke, female, white millennial ass hat with an ivy league degree under her belt and they made her the Veep of one of their more successful products.  The horse faced girl on the left (go figure) is her.  40 years of being on top of the light beer heap and they threw it all away.  

And for what?  Virtue signaling inclusive bullshit.  No different than white suburban kids sending in their lunch money and car wash earnings to the local BLM chapter so that Patrice Cullors could go out and buy a multi-million dollar mansion in a predominately white neighborhood in southern California.  Whitey America that resides in the burbs has some of the most stupid fucking offspring in the country.  Truly dumb.

Real women of genius

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